Addle: "To h*** with right and wrong, I just want to kick some demon a$$."
Philyth: "Piss off, motherfucker."
Solude: "Let's par-TEE!"
Tim (to any demon visitor): "It's MY turn to sit on the couch, so SHOVE."
Nadhew: "How vulgar."
Sittra: "It's not how you look, it's what's inside that counts."
Claydle: "Can we have some light in here??"
Loki: "Oh no! I broke one of your beakers. Wait, let me clean up the mess.
How much do I owe you?"
Lugh (to Liam): "You're precisely the kind of gullible dupe we need to keep
the enemy occupied until we regroup."
Cifer: "So sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
Any of the elves, to Liam: "Bravo! You chose exactly the right herbs."
Phiele: "Why are these foreigners bothering us? Let them solve their own problems."
Night elf: "Loki! Always a pleasure to see you."
Worm: "I'm going, I'm going! Sheesh, you don't have to get violent."