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Understanding FKiSS

What was FKiSS again?

FKiSS is a set of commands that lets the user directly manipulate the KiSS viewer's abilities. Consider this: a KiSS viewer parses a cnf. In this cnf, object #0 is present on page 0, absent on page 1 and all the way down in the lower right corner on page 3. That means that the viewer has to "draw" the image referred to by the object when you open the set, "erase" it when you switch to page 1, and move it to another place when you switch to page 2. Now suppose you could tell it to move, draw and erase the image at your command while the set is opened. To manipulate the viewer this way, the pioneers of KiSS formulated a simple syntax consisting of events and actions.

An event is something that happens, and is noticed by the viewer. An action is something the viewer has to do when an event happens. The basic syntax for any FKiSS code is:

;@    action1("argument")
;@    action2("argument")
(more actions as required)

For instance, the event press(#1) happens, when the user clicks on something; in this case, object #1. When a user clicks on any object, a FKiSS-enabled viewer will recall if there is anything the cnf told it to do in the event of a mouseclick on that object, and do it. The action might be move(#1,X,Y). Being moved by the viewer as ordered in the cnf, object #1 might touch object #2 and trigger a collision event; the actions of one event can spark off another event, whose actions are then also carried out. Strictly speaking, press(#1) is not the event itself, but an instruction to the viewer that it should react to this event: such an instruction is called an event handler, and the FKiSS section of the cnf starts with the statement ;@EventHandler, to let the FKiSS-capable viewer know that the following lines should be read as FKiSS code. Non-FKiSS viewers will only understand the semicolon, read the statement as a user-inserted comment, and ignore it; they will similarly treat the FKiSS code under it as comments. The ";@" that goes before each FKiSS command tells the FKiSS viewer that this is code, not comment.

I am not going to sum up all the FKiSS commands here; check out the list of FKiSS documents on the Web. There are a few terms and things every beginning FKiSS programmer should know, though.

The most basic events are press() and release(), two mouseclick events. The most basic actions are map() and unmap(), which map and unmap (make visible/invisible) the image referred to in the brackets. All actions and events end on a pair of brackets; depending on the command, these must be left empty or filled with something to apply the command to. The mouseclick events and mapping actions can have either a cel name or an object number in the brackets. Since coordinates can only be assigned to objects, move() and all actions derived from it (I sometimes call them the move..() commands, as they have names like moveto(), movebyx() etc.) can only take an object number. The argument in the brackets doesn't always have to be a cel name or object number; there is a timer() action that sets off an alarm() event after a given number of milliseconds, and a music() action that plays a given midi file.

On and off the page

The images in a KiSS set are not just placed on one single screen; they can be displayed, at different coordinates, on up to ten different pages, between which the user can flip at will. This has consequences for the FKiSS programmer. Suppose I start an animation sequence, which in FKiSS is done mostly with mapping, unmapping and alarms, on page 4, but halfway through I become bored and go to page 7. An alarm will fire no matter what page I'm on, and so the animation will continue offscreen, using up processor time, despite the fact that it's not even visible. Object coordinates are a per-page thing, though, so if the animation involves moving an object around, then as soon as I change page, this movement will stop; or, if the object being moved is also displayed on page 7, it may start to move there, which is not what I intended. So the FKiSS programmer should know what commands work only on the present page, and what commands will work across the whole set.

Mouse events will only happen on the current page. (Obviously. You can't click on something that's on a page you haven't opened.) Moving actions will also only happen on the current page.

Mapping actions, alarms and soundfile-playing actions work across the whole set. Unmapping an object on page 0 unmaps it on all pages where it was visible.

Collision events are an iffy matter. Four of the six collision events are fired when there is a change in the situation; when two images that didn't overlap before are moved over each other, or vice versa. In most viewers, the fact that images may be repositioned by a page change is not taken into account, so if object #1 touches object #2 on page 5, and I go to page 6 where the two objects aren't touching and drag them over each other, this second collision goes undetected. Viewers are not consistent in handling collision detection, which is not surprising as it's a complicated subject.

Some FKiSS issues

Apart from the intricacies of collision detection, there are three problem areas the FKiSS coder should be aware of, as FKiSS viewers are not consistent in the way they handle these issues.

Firstly: moving images off the screen through FKiSS actions. John Stiles' Mac viewer will allow this. Most viewers will not. Consequently, sets made for this viewer will be broken (which means, they won't work properly) in many other viewers. In general, expect a viewer not to allow this.

Secondly: multiple event handlers. A practical example: I use press(#1) at the beginning of the FKiSS block with the action unmap(#3), and at the end of the FKiSS block I add another press(#1) to start a timer. Most viewers will execute the actions under both event handlers, but it's always possible that they might ignore the second one. Whether it works or not, it's sloppy coding and should be avoided. Every event handler should be unique.

Thirdly: ambiguous cel names. On the previous page, I explained what cels and objects are, and how a cnf can display more instances of the same cel. This is tricky when you have three instances of the file FLOWER.CEL, which shows as three flowers on the screen, and you use the event "press("flower.cel")". Should the event be fired when clicking on either of the three instances? If you put the action "unmap("flower.cel")" under it, should all three flowers be unmapped? Although ideally the event and the action should apply to all three instances, and this is probably the way FKiSS4-capable viewers will work, older viewers will typically affect only the first instance in the object declaration block, and ignore the rest. In the case of the flower cel, each instance needs a unique object number to be displayed at all, so the problem is easily solved by putting the object numbers in the brackets, rather than the cel name. But some FKiSS commands specifically require a cel name; ifmapped() will set a timer if a certain cel is mapped. In the case of the three flowers, should the timer be set if the first instance is mapped, the second instance is mapped, the third instance is mapped or only if all three are mapped? The "flower.cel" in this example is an ambiguous cel name, as it's not clear which item it refers to. How FKiSS commands should react to ambiguous cel names has been the subject of raging debates. Generally, the best thing is to simply avoid them.

The state of FKiSS today

There are currently five known and implemented FKiSS levels: FKiSS, FKiSS2, FKiSS2.1, FKiSS3, and FKiSS4. The higher the level, the more you can do with it. Generally, every level is backwards compatible, so a viewer that can read FKiSS2.1 should also be able to read FKiSS, but some commands are so unstandard or obsolete that not every viewer recognizes them. And different viewers interpret FKiSS code in different ways; the most difficult thing about FKiSS isn't the code itself, but the fact that every viewer may produce a slightly different result!

Hopefully, though, this won't discourage KiSS artists from experimenting with FKiSS. The viewer page (currently, a work in progress) lists known bugs in viewers, and offers possible FKiSS workarounds.

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