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Installation - MS-DOS viewers

No MS-DOS viewer that I know actually needs to be installed; just unzip the program and put it in a directory. Then change to that directory and run it, which usually requires passing it a kiss data filename:

kiss smoon01.cnf
That's it. In the readme files often included with the viewers you'll find what commandline switches there are, if any.

If the executable is in D:\KISSPROG\STUFF\MORESTUF, especially if the kiss sets are stored in a different directory, you may want to run it using a batch file. Start any ASCII editor and type:


and save this as KISS.BAT in a directory which is in your PATH variable. (To see the paths in this variable, type PATH at the DOS prompt.) Now, change to the directory where the KiSS files are and type: "kiss [name].cnf".

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