Essential hacks
Not completely essential, maybe, but certainly very convenient. These hacks
replace the defaults and, with a few exceptions, have not been recoloured or
significantly changed.
The "universal" hacks are ones that I've found will work with any version;
the files themselves are extracted from Unleashed or Makin' Magic.
Other hacks are made per version that I have installed: The Sims,
Livin' Large, House Party, Deluxe, Unleashed and Makin' Magic (if the object differs
from one version to the next, that is - some are the same for two or more versions).
Hot Date, Vacation and Superstar versions are made from files backed up before
installing the next pack, but have not been tested in their own environment,
because I don't have room for that many installations.
The version-specific hacks should not be used with the wrong version! Sims
can become very disoriented when supplied with the wrong portal IFFs. The
hacked object file goes in the same directory as the FAR file from which
it was extracted; to undo the hack, simply delete the object IFF. Information
like version and the place to put the file(s) can be found in the included
readme file.
Versions within versions: in addition to updating the Sims executable,
game patches may also alter standard objects. I've updated The Sims, LL,
HD, Deluxe and UL with their respective Maxis patches
before extracting and hacking the IFF files.
However, I haven't made backups of each expansion pack file before adding
the next one, ie. there are no V, UL and MM versions of Vacation-specific
objects, even though later packs do update them. For such objects, if I find a difference,
I'll include both the original Vacation or Hot Date object and a version from
Deluxe or later, as Deluxe does patch these two packs, and hope that's good enough.
These hacks will not update existing hacks! If a hacked version of a
standard IFF file already exists in the directory, overwriting it with
one of these hacks means it is gone! For instance, there is a "Bills.iff"
hack that makes the bills disappear. Replacing this hack with my "Bills.iff"
means the bills are back. Choose which you'd prefer, or check out the
simple object hack howtos for how to apply
my modifications to an existing hack. Be careful also with specialized IFF
editors like career editing programs; these may alter or overwrite
an existing CarPortal.IFF.
Finally: try these at your own risk. I have tested them, briefly, but there
may be some bugs I haven't found yet. If I find one, I'll correct and
re-upload the hack.
Stuff made buyable:
- Food
Buyable pizza (slice), fruitcake (slice), chocolates and crisps. Raw
meals not included, since Sims can't be bothered to cook them; ditto
hamburgers, which will disappear if there's no BBQ on the premises.
Bought crisps can't be eaten straight away, and need the Unsnacker.
Pizza goes off extremely quickly.
File: GameData\Objects\Food.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Dining room, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Trashcan
For accidental deletions (use move_objects cheat to place
outside lot boundaries). Or put a second trashcan in the house,
for a receptacle that never needs emptying. (Unfortunately, your
Sims may be too stupid to notice it... Never mind... Have patience.)
Comes in two versions: MM and pre-MM. The catalogue text added is
that of the HD trashcan, an identical-looking but different object.
File: GameData\Objects\TrashOutside.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Outside, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Enhanced mailbox
For accidental deletions (use move_objects cheat to place outside lot boundaries)
or a safe way to up needs/relationships. The extra menu items (only in English and
Dutch) will appear for both the standard mailbox on the
lot and any new ones bought. (There can be any number of mailboxes on the
premises and Sims can even collect mail from them, but mail is delivered
to one mailbox only.) The job listing option (Deluxe upwards) works
with the computer and the newspaper; order a new paper to see the new job offer.
The "make me know people" and "friends" options will set relationships to neighbours
at respectively 25 or 50 points; long-term relationships are not affected.
This mailbox will add bill amounts to your budget, instead of subtracting them.
The budget still has to be high enough to "pay" them, though, as the budget check
is in a different object.
File: GameData\Objects\Mailbox.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Outside, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Pedestrian portal
For accidental deletions (invisible, use move_objects cheat to buy and place).
Put an extra one in the home to see if visitors will pop out of it, but be warned:
burglars will use it too! Must be turned towards a level surface.
File: GameData\Objects\Pedportal.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Outside, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Car portal
For accidental deletions (invisible, use move_objects cheat to buy and place).
Should not be turned towards an obstacle, unless one enjoys one Sim-hour of
honking from a car that can't leave. (It will leave eventually, though.)
File: GameData\Objects\Carportal.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Outside, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Pedestrian markers - Downtown
For accidental deletions (invisible, use move_objects cheat to buy and place).
File: ExpansionPack3\PedMarkers.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: (Downtown) Misc, Misc.
Download version:
- Enhanced baby
Extra options: Baby Stats (they may not be clear, but they give an indication of what baby
wants), speed growth at one day per click, delay pupation at three days per click, start afresh
if the baby isn't what you'd hoped for (wrong sex, typo in name). Feeding and singing to the
baby can now be done autonomously, and advertises Fun to Nice Sims; too bad they rarely respond!
Warning: there is no check whether the family is full when buying, so when the baby changes
into a child and the family numbers eight, the game will crash in the Sims/LL/HP,
and, in higher versions, add an inaccessible ninth icon which moves into view when an
older family member dies or leaves.
File: GameData\Objects\Baby.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Catalogue: Bedroom, Misc, Misc.
Download version:
Kid-friendly stuff:
- Bills
Can be paid by children. Great for orphans in combination with the enhanced mailbox.
File: GameData\Objects\Bills.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Download version:
- Phones
Children can employ maids, gardeners and repairmen. They can also call a cab to
whatever lot types have been added; this requires the kidfriendly payphones, so they
can get back home. The options added in SS are also available to children, although
it's not much use calling for a massage unless the massage table is hacked.
File: GameData\Objects\Phones.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Download version:
- Animal Control plugin
Children can call Animal Control. The MM version is slightly different
internally from the original UL version; if one doesn't work, try the other.
File: ExpansionPack5\NPC_Unleashed_Animal-ControlPP.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Download version:
- Payphones
Children can call a cab from a Downtown, Vacation, Old Town, Studio Town
or Magic Town lot. The Downtown and Vacation phones come in three versions:
pre-Deluxe for the original expansion packs, post-Deluxe for the packs updated
with Deluxe or higher and "MM" for when all existing expansion packs have been
installed. The other phones only come in an "original" and a "MM" version. I
don't know if the "MM" version is significantly different from the "original"
one, but it includes references to MM-specific items, so it might crash or
freeze earlier installations.
HD: ExpansionPack3\PhonePay.iff,
V: ExpansionPack4\PhonePayVacation.iff,
UL: ExpansionPack5\PhonePayNeighborhood.iff,
SS: ExpansionPack6\PhoneStudioTown.iff,
MM: ExpansionPack7\PhonePayMagic.iff,
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005
Download version:
- The "Gay marriage hack"
In-house and same-sex marriages; other-sex and child move-ins; children can tell adult
visitors to leave. Children will move out without taking a single parent with them; the
last child in the house takes the budget and any remaining pets. (An extra dialog string
was added for this, in all languages except the five Asian ones; they still have the old
parent-moving-out message.) Move-ins and marriages (even in-house) can't take place
while there's a baby in the house. The SS/MM versions include the anti-anti-nudity hack.
File, all versions: GameData\Global\PersonGlobals.iff
Pre-HD file: GameData\Objects\SocialInteractions.iff
HD-plus file: ExpansionShared\HDSI_Proposition.iff
Last uploaded: 03-01-2005.
Download version: