A luxurious house... A painting on the wall; a mysterious woman shows her reflection as she lights a cigarette (reminds me of a previous episode)...
Yes, it's the Onna Taicho, and for once drawn in a way consistent with earlier episodes. (In BOTP, interestingly, this was "agent S-9" in the squid eps, probably because she looked so different from Mala in the monorail ep, and "Mala" in the translation of this ep. Did Sandy Frank et al. think a devoted fan wouldn't notice these things?)
Having turned to face her visitor, she asks, with a softened expression, whether Maya - this being the visitor's name - really wants to leave Galactor, since her family are all members.
Maya cries out that she was promised her freedom if she succeeded in her task (which was to capture and kill the Gatchaman team, and it must be said she came very close to her objective) and leaves.
What follows is the best-drawn version of the female Katze's face going into a close-up, and a portentous stubbing out of a cigarette.