Created: 05-07-1999
Last update: 15-01-2022


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Name/version: QPeg386


(Surprisingly this file doesn't seem to be in the archive, but a Google search will turn up archives to download it from.)

Screenshots (click on thumbnails):

Screenshot showing a tiny preview picture.

The window that appears when F1 is pressed.

Price: see below (note: author does not accept credit cards).


Excerpt from "\ENGLISH\QPEG.DOC":

What is QPEG386?

QPEG386 (Quick-jPEG, pronounce "Q-Peg-386" [kju:peg]) is a viewer for JPEG
image files.  It is about twice as fast as other common JPEG viewers.
Compare it yourself, you'll be surprised.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group, pronounce "Jay-Peg") is an image file
format which uses a "lossy" compression.  JPEG images (they have usually a
"JPG" file extension) are normally very small and offer better compression
than any other image format.

Decoding of JPEG images is a rather complicated process, thus it needs a lot
of computing power and performance.  QPEG386 takes advantage of the advanced
features of 80386, 80486 and Pentium (586) CPUs, and it uses large look-up
tables instead of formulas.  Well, I don't want to get into details.  It's
fast, that's all you could want to know.


 - It's fast (have I mentioned that before?).
 - Uses advanced features of 80386/486 processors (note, the Cyrix 486DLC
   is only an improved 386 rather than a 486).
 - Nice preview ability which is even faster (lets you quickly browse through
   lots of images, very useful if you're searching for a certain image).
 - Works even with a standard VGA card (320x200x16, 640x480x16, 320x200x256).
 - Supports many SVGA cards (virtually all with VESA capability).
 - Uses truecolor (16M color), hicolor (32K color), 256 color (either
   greyscale or dithered color), and 16 color (dithered greyscale) modes.
 - You can pan across an image which is bigger than the current screen
   resolution (scrolling).  Some XMS and/or EMS memory is needed for this.
   You can even pan using your mouse, which is much fun (at least on fast
   local bus machines).
 - You can change the resolution without loading/decoding the image again
   (this is restricted to the same color resolution, for example you can't
   switch from hicolor to truecolor without reloading the image).
 - Supports also the following image file formats (more to come):
    * GIF:
       + interlaced and non-interlaced
       + GIF87a and GIF89a (87a subset only)
       + displays the first image of a multi-image GIF
    * Targa (TGA):
       + truecolor (15, 16, 24 and 32 bit), greyscaled, or with palette
       + uncompressed or rle compressed (run length encoded)
       + supports all video modes (16, 256, 32K, 64K, 16M)
    * PCX:
       + 1 and 4 bit with standard palette
       + 8 bit with extended palette
       + 24 bit truecolor
    * BMP (Windows)
       + 1 bit monochrome with palette, uncompressed
       + 4 and 8 bit with palette, uncompressed or RLE4/8 compressed
       + 24 bit truecolor, uncompressed
    * BMP (OS/2)
    + 1, 4 and 8 bit with palette, uncompressed
       + 24 bit truecolor, uncompressed
       + also supports the new multi image format (BA-BMP)
    * IFF/ILBM (LBM)
       + 1 to 8 bit with palette, and 24 bit truecolor, also DP2 enhanced
       + uncompressed or compressed (ByteRun-1)
       + no HAM yet (due to lack of test images)


 - 80386 or better CPU (33 MHz minimum recommended), 386SX is sufficient
 - VGA graphics card (SuperVGA recommended, though QPEG386 will run on any 
   standard VGA card)
 - some XMS and/or EMS memory (depending on the size of the images), though
   QPEG386 will also run without any XMS/EMS, but then you will be unable to
   do any panning/scrolling
 - about 500 to 550 Kb of free conventional memory
 - MS-DOS 5.0 or compatible operating system

A mouse is not required, but it's much more fun than keyboard control!

A numeric coprocessor is not required.  If present, it will not be used,
because it would not speed up decoding/displaying.

Excerpt from "\ENGLISH\QPEG.DOC":

        Please tick (see REGISTER.DOC for help, e.g. other currencies):

        []  QPEG386 single private registration:       30 DM or  20 $US
        []  QPEG386 single commercial registration:    60 DM or  40 $US

        []  QPEG386 current shareware (no reg.!):       5 DM or   5 $US
        []  QPEG386 sharew.+images on MO disk 128 Mb:  98 DM or  75 $US
        []  QPEG386 sharew.+images on DC2120 (QIC80):  88 DM or  65 $US

        []  JPEG Unit / source, private:               80 DM or  60 $US
        []  JPEG Unit / source, single commercial:    300 DM or 220 $US
        []  JPEG Unit / source, unlimited commerc.:  1200 DM or 900 $US

        []  foreign cheque surcharge:                  15 DM     10 $US

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