GSA File Rescue 1.07 is nagware
that doesn't recover deleted files, but rather attempts to recover files from
corrupt media.
Linux and other distro pages:
Puppy Linux
The main page for the compact, adaptable Puppy Linux and its derivatives.
Smokey01 - Supporting Puppy Linux
My reason for listing this site is the list of Puppy derivative ISO files, including versions
of Puppeee (no longer updated).
Salix - Linux for the lazy Slacker
A lightweight, optionally live-from-USB distro that looks promising for the
Asus eee PC, still maintained.
ZenWalk Linux
A wonderfully light Slackware derivative, suitable even for old Pentium
computers, that doesn't seem to install too well to the Asus eee PC. There was a
special version of it called ZenEee or Zeee, but the link to it is dead.
Webconverger - Opensource Web Kiosk PC
Operating System
Its own description: "Leading Linux-based Web kiosk and Digital Signage
software for public spaces. Free 7 day trial." Here is the direct URL for a download
link and instructions to get it onto USB.
A Linux live CD/USB for older, slower computers, in Spanish, Galician and
KaOS | A lean KDE Distribution
A highly specialized Arch-based KDE distro for 64bit computers. Its
installation ISO (can be burned to DVD or written to USB, and also installed to
USB, but the latter didn't work for me) is also its live-medium image. The live
medium has a recent version of the Calligra suite, but neither Kate nor Kjots.
A specialized Arch-based KDE distro, much like KaOS (its instructions for
installing to USB are identical) but older.
Medical stuff: I would have called this "health", but for the enormous
amount of internet quackery.
Miscellaneous URLs:
- - a site emulating old
browsers, to see what a particular webpage would have looked like in, say, the
first ever version of Netscape.
- - the site of J-POP, the
organisation hosting the yearly Dutch anime convention of the write-ups on the
AniMisc page.
For links on how to make KiSS sets, see KiSS info
and tutorials. For Sim links, see the
links section of the Sims Support Page.
For some plant and garden links, see the pages under Homegrown at the bottom of the Animisc page.
Links policy:
(applies to both this page and abovementioned link-intensive pages)
Frequent visitors may have noticed many dead links in my pages. This has three
reasons. Firstly, I simply don't check my links very often. Secondly, sites can
be temporarily down for many reasons. (I also used to get false "dead links"
because my dialup internet connection was bad, but changing to ADSL has solved
that.) When I come across a link that seems dead, I'll add a "possibly dead"
warning, rather than remove it.
I also don't, generally, ask site owners' permission before linking to their
site. It has come to my attention that Japanese site owners, for one, do expect
this. My apologies to anyone whose site has been linked to against their wish;
if you want a link to your site removed, please mail me. For the moment, I've
decided to link to any site that has also been linked to from elsewhere, without
Lastly, for easier maintenance, I point most links on the site to the relevant
section in this links list.